Maldives Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim visits China
Published: Jan 13, 2017 05:43 PM
Maldives Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim Photo: Yin Yeping/GT

Maldives Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim Photo: Yin Yeping/GT

The 45th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and the Maldives coincided with Maldives Foreign Minister Mohamed Asim's first official visit to China on January 5. During his visit, Asim met with Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Both sides shared their views on bilateral relations, infrastructure development, and tourism. The minister also visited the Beijing Foreign Studies University and Dalian Medical University and gave speeches.

The Global Times (GT) interviewed Asim, who talked about bilateral cooperation and the latest issues concerning China and the Maldives.

GT: How will you deepen the cooperation between China and the Maldives?

I think we should expand the different cooperative agreements between both countries. One area that we have already identified is trade and commerce. The Maldives government has a very strong economic agenda for building infrastructure, and China has become a very important partner in providing the financial and technical support required for the implementation of many of the projects. We are building the China Maldives Friendship Bridge with Chinese assistance. The bridge is a very important milestone for us, as it links the capital Malé to the airport and the new city of Hulhumale nearby. It is an important project. We will expand the cooperative agreements and the economic activities between us.

GT: Are there any special activities planned to mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties?

This is indeed a golden period for our relations, and we have many activities planned on both sides. We are planning to do some events to expose people to various artistic and cultural activities in both the Maldives and China.

GT: China and the Maldives entered the fourth round of free-trade agreement (FTA) negotiations. When will it be signed?

Negotiations regarding the FTA are ongoing. The Maldives will host a final round of talks in February, and we are looking forward to signing the agreement in the first half of the year. It will be an exemplary FTA between a small economy and one of the world's largest economies, and I am confident that we will conclude the agreement with China in 2017.

GT: What are the fields that you would particularly like to push forward with China in 2017?

Tourism promotion is definitely an important field. China is one of the most important tourism source markets for us. We would like to play a greater role in promoting the Maldives in China, particularly in the second- and third-tier cities so that we will have a stable flow of tourists from China.

GT: Both the Maldives and China are looking for ways to tackle climate change. How can the two sides work together?

We have collaborated on the international front of climate change, and the Maldives is the chair of the Alliance of Small Island States. I think there is great potential for China to support the Maldives and other smaller countries in this area. For example, we have embarked on several mitigation and adaptation activities, such as reducing the demand for fossil fuels, investing in hybrid renewable energy systems, coastal protection, beach nourishment programs, and other green technologies. These are the areas where China can cooperate and assist us.