Kew Green Hotels holds ‘Road to Euphoria’ event
Published: Jul 25, 2017 04:18 PM

Kew Green Hotels staff and guests during the experience-sharing event Photo: Courtesy of Kew Green Hotels

On July 20, Kew Green Hotels, a subsidiary of HK CTS Hotels Co Ltd., held an experience-sharing event themed "Road to Euphoria" at Space Cycle, a stylish fitness center in Beijing, where it unveiled its new concepts: English style for Elements, Vigor for Euphoria and Ambition for Enterprise.

During the event, Ms. Paris, a famous fashion and travel blogger, shared her experience of traveling to 43 countries across six continents.

Together with representatives from 30 media houses and travel industry partners, participants explored 3D riding under the guidance of a professional coach to the beat of rhythmic and fashionable UK tunes selected by Kew Green Hotels and Space Cycle.

The spin cycling jam session gave guests a good understanding of Kew Green Hotels' commitment to providing high-quality travel and leisure lifestyle experiences that are environmentally friendly with a low carbon footprint.

According to Shi Zhigang, the head of Kew Green Hotels China, within a year Kew Green Hotels has brought excellent hotel experiences and brand value to both customers and investors. Ever since it opened the first hotel under Kew Green Hotels - Kew Green Hotel Wanchai Hong Kong has achieved high praise from customers, whether it is via online comments, customer satisfaction evaluations or professional reviews by tourism practitioners, thus truly standing out as a high-quality, affordable luxury hotel in the competitive hotel sector.

"As for investors, Kew Green Hotels enjoy rich tourism sources covered by China Tourism Group in travel agencies, online tourism, hotels, scenic spots, tax exemption, finance and more than 4,000 high-end tourism and hotel member systems," Shi said. "Our professional brand criteria and operational support provide specialized support for investors from engineering site selection to hotel opening and operation."

After HK CTS Hotels Co Ltd acquired Kew Green Hotels (UK), the Kew Green Hotels was set up as a mid-scale hotel brand aimed at cultivating customer groups with young attitudes within a year of opening its doors, thanks to the joint effort of Chinese and British teams.

Kew Green Hotels provides customers with affordable and luxurious tourist experiences with a touch of British style and vitality.

By virtue of crossover cooperation with world-class designers, Kew Green Hotels introduces top-notch hotel quality and cutting-edge fashion trends of the UK to the Chinese market, providing customers with the travel experiences that go beyond the hotel's walls.

Since the opening of the flagship hotel in HK at the end of 2016, Kew Green Hotels has signed a contract for the Kew Green Hotel Baoding project in the Xiongan New Area.

 It also has projects pending in Australia and several cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, and Suzhou in Jiangsu Province.