New panda cub shown off in Japan zoo wins fans
Published: Dec 19, 2017 11:52 PM

Baby panda Xiang Xiang plays at its enclosure during a press preview at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo on Monday. The baby panda born six months ago in Japan made its debut before the cameras on Friday. Photo: VCG

Japanese zoos and shops are waiting to cash in on a new giant panda cub after she made her first official debut on Tuesday in Tokyo.

Almost 250,000 visitors have already applied to see the six-year-old Xiang Xiang after she was first unveiled to the public in Tokyo's Ueno Zoo on Tuesday, the Japan Times reported.

The birth of the panda cub is expected to bring economic benefits totaling 26.7 billion yen ($238 million) to the city, according to local experts quoted by the Xinhua News Agency on Tuesday.

The zoo will limit the flow of visitors so as to ease the burden on the animals. Only chosen visitors among those who applied will be allowed to visit the new-born baby during five short daily sessions, the Japan Times reported. 

Local shops and restaurants are also preparing to capitalize on the new tourism source by making panda-themed food and products, the report said.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday it hopes that Xiang Xiang will serve as a little ambassador to help improve ties between China and Japan.

The panda cub's parents Fairy and Billy (Japanese name Shin Shin and Ri Ri) have been firm favorites at the zoo since their arrival on loan from China in February 2011, according to  Xinhua.

Global Times