Huawei believes no wrongdoings from arrested CFO
Published: Dec 06, 2018 09:22 AM

Huawei's chief financial officer (CFO) Meng Wanzhou. Photo: VCG

Chinese Huawei Technologies said on Thursday morning that it believed that the company's chief financial officer (CFO) Meng Wanzhou committed no wrongdoings, and it believes that the legal systems of Canada and the US will give a fair conclusion. 

The statement followed media reports that Canada arrested the company's CFO, who is facing extradition to the US on suspicions that she violated US trade sanctions against Iran.  

"Meng was temporarily detained by the Canadian authorities on behalf of the US government when she was on a flight transfer in Canada. And the US is seeking extradition of Meng, who is facing unspecified allegations from the Eastern District of New York," a Huawei spokesperson said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Thursday. 

A Canadian source with knowledge of the arrest was quoted in the Globe and Mail that US law enforcement authorities are alleging that Meng tried to evade the US trade embargo against Iran but provided no further details. 

At the request of the US, Canada arrested a Chinese citizen who was not violating any American or Canadian laws, the Embassy of China in Canada said in an announcement published on its website on Thursday. 

"The Chinese side firmly opposes and strongly protests over such actions which seriously harmed the human rights of the victim," the embassy said, noting that the Chinese side has lodged stern representations with the US and Canadian side, and urged them to immediately correct the wrongdoing and restore the personal freedom of Meng. 

Huawei noted that there is very little information about specific allegations and is not aware of any misconduct from Meng. 

"The company complies with all laws and regulations in the countries in which it operates, including export control and sanctions laws applied in the UN, the US and the EU," the spokesperson said, adding that it believes the legal systems in Canada and the US will give a fair conclusion. 

Global Times