Published: May 27, 2019 04:53 PM



  1 "Star Wars" warrior

  5 Elapse

 11 Courtroom VIPs

 14 It's pumped in a gym

 15 Complete

 16 Span of history

 17 *Showered and shaved, say

 19 Sushi bar sauce

 20 Belly laugh syllable

 21 Giants giant Manning

 22 Go out on a ___

 23 Czech or Serb

 25 *Out of the closet

 27 G.I. Joe's base?

 29 Anxiety-filled

 30 *Machine that munches branches

 34 Bed-and-breakfasts

 35 "Them's fightin' words!"

 36 Heap praise on

 40 *A little unclear?

 42 "Nuh-uh!" comeback

 46 Some cuddly pets

 47 *"Sesame Street" game show host

 51 "All right, let me get this straight ..."

 52 "Strike!" yellers

 53 Put the whammy on

 54 Blue peg in Life, perhaps

 55 Pal, in Paris

 56 Feature of a fairy tale ... or each starred answer?

 61 Super ___ (Wii ancestor)

 62 Ready to move on

 63 Play-of-color stone

 64 Louvre filler

 65 "Romeo and Juliet" city

 66 ___ dancer ('60s performer)


  1 Skippy competitor

  2 Make a blunder

  3 Buck's sweetheart

  4 Broken, like a vase

  5 Colleague

  6 Raggedy doll

  7 Verb whose middle letters aptly sound like "tea"

  8 Move like a crab

  9 UCLA student

 10 "Indeed!"

 11 Decorator's concern

 12 Inviting scents

 13 Bid farewell, informally

 18 Wreak ___

 22 Caustic substance

 23 Shortly

 24 City on the Rhone

 25 Neglects to mention

 26 USPS delivery: Abbr.

 27 ___-night doubleheader

 28 Easternmost four-letter state

 31 L.A. winter hours

 32 Common parrot name

 33 One-named Irish singer

 36 "Can't believe you won the lottery!"

 37 Santa ___ (hot winds)

 38 Golden Rule word

 39 Prefix for "function"

 40 Michelle, to Malia

 41 Creme brulee utensil

 42 Pet shop lizard

 43 Crop top season

 44 Key figure?

 45 Pre-CIA spy org.

 48 "___ a dream ..."

 49 Biblical outcast

 50 One no longer in the big leagues

 54 Letter after alpha

 56 Carpool lane initials

 57 Yang's go-with

 58 Stock market debut, briefly

 59 Bother with reminders

 60 Day-___ paint
