Learning Chinese
Published: Jun 13, 2019 05:43 PM
Movie lines 

X-Men: Dark Phoenix


(X zhànjǐnɡ: hēi fènɡhuánɡ)

1. The mind is a fragile thing. It takes only the slightest to tip in the wrong direction.


(lǐzhì shì cuìruò de dōnɡxī. zhǐyào shāowēi qīnɡqinɡ pāidǎ, tā jiùhuì zhuǎnxiànɡ cuòwù de fānɡxiànɡ.)

2. Whatever happened there made her stronger.


(wúlùn nàlǐ fāshēnɡ le shénme dōushǐ tā biàndé ɡènɡqiánɡ.)

3. When I lose control, bad things happen to people I love.


(dānɡwǒ shīqù kònɡzhì de shíhòu, wǒ àide rén jiùhuì dǎoméi.)

4. Sometimes, we want to believe people are something that they are not. And by the time we realize who they are, it's too late.


(yǒushí, wǒmen rènwéi de yíɡè rén de yànɡzi bìnɡ búshì tā běnlái miànmù. děnɡ wǒmen yìshí dào tāmen shìshuí, yǐjīnɡ tàiwǎn le.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT