Sweden: Embassy marks national day, midsummer
Published: Jun 13, 2019 05:48 PM

The Swedish Ambassador to China Helena Sångeland proposes a toast at the event. Photo: Yin Yeping/GT

The Swedish Embassy in China hosted its National Day and Midsummer Celebration on June 6 in Beijing, drawing the participation of several hundreds of guests including government officials, diplomats, entrepreneurs and media. The event welcomed the arrival of summer with flowers, Swedish food and dancing around the maypole. Meanwhile, the  vocal performance of THE CHOIR by ABBA The Museum and a swing dance performance by the Moose Maniacs and Beijing's Cat's Corner took place at the event. The newly appointed Swedish Ambassador to China Helena Sångeland attended the event and gave a speech in which she reviewed the diplomatic relations and set good expectations for the future. "Sixty-nine years ago, Sweden established diplomatic relations with China. China remains Sweden's biggest trading partner in Asia and we cooperate in a great number of areas often within the frameworks of MoU's," the ambassador said. "So far this year, the number of university students from China continues to increase and Chinese visitors to Sweden are at a record high." China's Vice Foreign Minister Wang Chao also attended the event.