Learning Chinese
Published: Jun 16, 2019 04:33 PM
Chat attack




A: I have an interview very early tomorrow morning. If I leave as soon as I'm done my makeup, then I will definitely hit the morning rush hour. 


(wǒmínɡtiān zǎochén hěnzǎo yǒuyīchǎnɡ miànshì. rúɡuǒ wǒ huàwán zhuānɡ zàichūfā de huà yīdìnɡ huìɡǎnshànɡ zǎoɡāofēnɡ.) 

B: Where is the place for the interview? is it very far?                         


(miànshì de dìfānɡ zài nǎlǐ? hěnyuǎn ma?) 

A: Yeah. It's on the other side of the city. I have to take the subway for more than an hour to get there, and I have to wear high heels.                     


(shìde.zàichénɡshì de lìnɡyīduān. wǒ xūyào zuòyīɡè duō xiǎoshí de dìtiě cáinénɡ dào, hékuànɡ wǒ háiděi chuān ɡāoɡēnxié.)   

B: You have to adapt. If there are too many people during rush hour, you can leave earlier. If high heels are uncomfortable, you can bring a pair of sneakers.                          


(nǐyào suíjīyīnɡbiàn yīxiē. zǎoɡāofēnɡ réntàiduō, zǎodiǎn chūfā. ɡāoɡēnxié bùshūfú jiù dàishuānɡ yùndònɡxié.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT