Learning Chinese
Published: Jun 23, 2019 05:28 PM
Chat attack

security check



A: When you go to other cities, do you fly by plane or ride a train?


(nǐ qù qítā chénɡshì shí xíɡuàn zuò fēijī háishì zuò ɡāotiě a?) 

B: I definitely go by high-speed rail. The airport is very far from my home, so I need to leave home several hours early.           


(wǒ kěndìnɡ huì xuǎnzé zuò ɡāotiě, jīchǎnɡ lí wǒjiā tèbié yuǎn, wǒ xūyào tíqián hǎojǐɡè xiǎoshí jiù cónɡ jiālǐ chūfā.) 

A: Me too. The security check at the train station is relatively simpler. The security check at the airport wastes too much time.                  


(wǒ yěshì, huǒchēzhàn de ānjiǎn xiānɡduì jiǎndān yīxiē, jīchǎnɡ de ānjiǎn tài lànɡfèi shíjiān le.)   

B: It's just that some places don't have high-speed rail, just the regular train.


(bùɡuò yǒuxiē dìfānɡ hái méiyǒu tōnɡ ɡāotiě, zhīyǒu pǔtōnɡ de huǒchē.)   

A: I would rather take regular train than plane.


(nà wǒ nínɡyuàn zuò pǔtōnɡ huǒchē yě bù zuò fēijī.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT