Minister’s visit brings aboriginal performances from New Zealand
Published: Jun 27, 2019 06:38 PM

The New Zealand's Minister of Tourism Kelvin Davis gives a speech, with the presence of the New Zealand Ambassador to China Clare Fearnley (right) and the Maori performers at the embassy in Beijing. Photo: Yin Yeping/GT

To welcome the visit of New Zealand's Minister of Tourism Kelvin Davis, a reception took place at the New Zealand Embassy in China on June 23, during which the representatives from China and New Zealand travel agencies and media attended the event. The minister's visit is part of the 2019 China-New Zealand Year of Tourism. The New Zealand Ambassador to China Clare Fearnley gave a welcome speech in which she greeted the audience in Maori, English and Chinese. "The embassy building was officially opened just two and a half months ago by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern during her visit to China," the ambassador said. "It's a welcome presence here in China for New Zealanders and for the friends of New Zealand to help us advance our interests in China." In Davis's speech, he highlighted the value of deepening tourism exchanges for both sides. "Tourism makes a positive and multifaceted relationship with China and brings economic benefits and builds personal and business relationships and provides cultural exchanges between the two sides," the minister said. "Looking back, I have no doubt that the Approved Destination Status that was signed 20 years ago provides the foundations for strong people-to-people and economic links between our two countries." Traditional Maori songs and dances were presented to the audience at the event.

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