Published: Jul 09, 2019 11:43 AM



  1 Grand

  5 Bay at the moon

  9 Word on a gift tag

 13 The Biggest Little City in the World

 14 Relative of a Tony

 15 Delete

 16 Lead person in the Middle Ages?

 18 "And there you have it!"

 19 Start of a very literal warning

 21 Suitcase-scanning grp.

 22 ___ insult to injury

 23 Big bag

 26 "Warrior" actor Nick

 29 Supportive garment

 32 Dance design, informally

 34 Japanese I.T. powerhouse

 35 Talk drunkenly

 36 Part two of the warning

 39 Sound boosters

 40 Lap dog

 41 Luxury boats

 42 "I'm unimpressed"

 43 Things broken by errant baseballs

 45 Impudence

 46 ___ Lanka

 47 Openly gay

 49 Part three of the warning

 57 TMZ interviewee

 58 Physical locations?

 60 In unison

 61 L.A.'s Miracle ___

 62 Sand hill

 63 With 64- and 65-Across, end of the warning

 64 See 63-Across

 65 See 63-Across


  1 37-Down subunit

  2 Hit with dodgeballs

  3 Part of a yard

  4 Salmon species

  5 Dens and nests

  6 Mentor to Luke

  7 A shooting star supposedly grants one

  8 Actor/musician Jared

  9 Palm projection

 10 It doesn't stop a mail carrier

 11 Peace Prize city

 12 Venison, e.g.

 15 Give the slip

 17 High regard

 20 Like good pop songs

 23 Crossword's basis, usually

 24 Energy

 25 This many is a crowd, to Isabel

 27 How pastrami is often served

 28 Rent out

 29 Case of the ___ (low spirits)

 30 Oxidizes

 31 ___ and sciences

 32 Study while under the gun

 33 Score

 35 Pet care org.

 37 Vast time period

 38 Island known for its big-headed statues

 43 Government investigation

 44 Ethiopian's neighbor

 46 Cologne feature

 48 Yet to be realized

 49 Berry that's a superfood

 50 Shut-eye

 51 "The Time Machine" race

 52 Singer Lovato

 53 Highway turnoff

 54 Fayed who dated Princess Diana

 55 Hype up

 56 "Present" or "potent" lead-in

 59 Game-match connector
