Uruguay Week event unfolds in Beijing
Published: Aug 22, 2019 05:23 PM

Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang (left) and the Uruguayan Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining Guillermo Moncecchi at the event Photo: Yin Yeping/GT

The Embassy of Uruguay in China and Uruguay XXI, the national agency for the promotion of exports, investments and country image, jointly hosted the Uruguay Week and a business seminar in Beijing on Monday, drawing the participation of over a hundred guests including the ambassadors of Latin American countries, government officials, entrepreneurs and media representatives. At the seminar, the Uruguayan Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay Guillermo Moncecchi, Executive Director of Uruguay XXI Antonio Carámbula and the Uruguayan Ambassador to China Fernando Lugris gave an opening speech respectively. During the seminar, Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang also participated in the event and delivered remarks. In Moncecchi's speech, he noted why Uruguay, though a small country, can be a good partner with China. "Our two countries complement each other, we trust each other, and we have a lot to offer to each other," Moncecchi said. "Uruguay is a gateway to Mercosur [Southern Common Market - a South American trade bloc] and Latin America by being a regional business hub and its important role in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)." Zheng said in his speech that under the BRI framework, there will be plenty of opportunities for both sides to explore cooperation in the fields such as infrastructure, trade, scientific innovation and tourism. After the seminar, a ceremonial event was held during which Uruguayan cuisine, wine, dancing and music were presented.