Reports of HK chief’s replacement ‘political rumors': Chinese FM
Published: Oct 23, 2019 05:48 PM Updated: Oct 23, 2019 11:59 PM

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam attends a press conference in Hong Kong on October 16, 2019. Photo: AFP

China's Foreign Ministry slammed reports on Wednesday that the central government was planning to replace Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, calling such reports "political rumors with ulterior motives."

Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying made the remarks at a routine press conference on Wednesday. 

Hua said that the central government will firmly support Lam and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government in governing according to the law, stopping the violence and chaos as soon as possible and restoring order.  

Hua's remarks came after the Financial Times reported the government was planning to replace Lam by March, and even listed candidates to succeed her including Norman Chan Tak-Lam, former head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Henry Tang Ying-nien, former chief secretary for administration of the HKSAR. 

In response, Hong Kong government officials including Tang on Wednesday said they would continue serving as government officials and support Lam as chief executive, Hong Kong media reported. 

Ronny Tong Ka-wah, a HongKong senior counsel and Executive Councilor, refuted reports and said the rumors convey wrong information.

They imply that the extreme violence could force Beijing to replace leaders. It is hoped that related authorities can clarify such malicious rumors, he said.

The Office of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong made no comment on the suspicion to Hong Kong-based online news portal HK01's inquiry on the reports. 

Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, said in an interview with the local business program that the replacement is a rumor and he will continue serving for the government. 

Previously in early September Reuters reported that Lam had said she would quit if she had a choice, a report that Lam immediately rejected.

Lam said she had "never submitted a resignation to the central government" and that she was confident leading her team to "help Hong Kong walk out from this dilemma."