Tear away Hong Kong rioters’ masks with AI technologies
Published: Oct 23, 2019 06:08 PM

Riots set fires on a street in Hong Kong on August 31. Photo: Chen Qingqing/GT

Technologies will give Hong Kong's rioters no way to hide. Legitimate usage of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as facial recognition can help tear away the masks of rioters who defy the recently enacted anti-mask law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

With the development of AI technologies, it is possible for police to identify suspects even if they are wearing masks, sunglasses and hats. Other technologies such as self-aware AI, location tracking and drones can all play a role in the crackdown on crimes.  

The months-long unrest in Hong Kong has called for local police to improve their countermeasures against the radical protests which have shown similarities to certain acts of terrorism. The Hong Kong police are also in the need of better technologies. 

At the end of last year, the Hong Kong police had already planned to upgrade technological support to process digital evidence and enhance the R&D on technologies used in fighting crime, Hong Kong Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu noted in a speech at the Legislative Council of the HKSAR.

The arrival of such technologies should come as good news. The ability to accurately locate and identify Hong Kong's rioters will help reduce the violence, as it may prompt radical protesters to think again before committing violent acts. High-tech could also help end the violence by enhancing the police's ability to deter criminals.

The reasonable and legitimate usage of technological methods of law enforcement is a common practice and is encouraged worldwide. The New York Police Department has utilized high-tech gadgets to fight crime for years. The reasonable usage of technologies to help law enforcement should not be politicized when it applies to China.

The author is a reporter with the Global Times.