Learning Chinese
Published: Feb 11, 2020 06:05 PM
Chat attack



(dǎyìn jī) 

A: Work remotely is not just for office workers only. As students, we also have to take remote classes.


(yuǎnchénɡ bànɡōnɡ bù zhīshì shǔyú shànɡbān zú, wǒmén xuéshēnɡ yězài yuǎnchénɡ shànɡkè. )  

B: Are the teachers able to watch all the students during the online class? What if the students don't listen to the teachers? 


(lǎoshī kěyǐ kàndào suǒyǒu xuéshēnɡ de shànɡkè qínɡkuànɡ ma? yǒude xuéshēnɡ bù tīnɡjiǎnɡ zěnme bàn?)

A: There is software that allows teachers to supervise all the students watching the video. Teachers send us some 

learning materials and ask us to print them out.    


(yǒu ruǎnjiàn nénɡɡòu rànɡ lǎoshī jiāndū suǒyǒu kàn shìpín de xuéshēnɡ. lǎoshī yuǎnchénɡ shànɡkè huìɡěi wǒmen fā yìxiē kèjiàn, yāoqiú wǒmén bìxū dǎyìn chūlái.)

B: There is a printer at home. You can see if it is usable. 


(jiālǐ yǒutái dǎyìn jī, nǐ kànkàn kěyǐ yònɡma.) 

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT