Mired in uproar and panic, Taiwan's DPP a clown in their self-directed political soap opera: experts
Published: May 16, 2020 09:11 PM

File Photo: Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. Photo:Xinhua

Mainland analysts warned Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities on the island of Taiwan not to step any further of declaring independence amid the pandemic, as both the mainland's deterrence and US' purported sincerity are rattling the island's ruling party. 

The warnings ensued after a DPP legislator withdrew a proposal to remove the mention of the reunification of China as the "national aim," from the "Act Governing Relations Between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area."

Tsai Yi-yu, the DPP legislator who proposed the move recently, said the withdrawal was due to safety concerns of the island and destabilizing Cross-Straits relations, especially before May 20, the "presidential inauguration" of Tsai Ing-wen, media from the island reported. 

Several people from the island will realize that it is only a pawn of the US to make the mainland uncomfortable, as the DPP authorities are incapable of competing with the mainland, Yang Lixian, a research fellow at the Beijing-based research center of cross-Straits relations, told the Global Times on Saturday.

Yang noted that pro-secessionist moves would never succeed. Taiwan will face a massive economic blow when ECFA stops without extension this year. Chinese People's Liberation Army's recent drills have already sparked discussion of taking over Dongsha islands, which is controlled by Taiwan, in the South China Sea. Since Tsai Ing-wen took over the reins of the island, seven countries have cut off "diplomatic ties" with Taiwan. 

The Trump government is in hot water due to its botched anti-pandemic efforts and domestic economic crisis; therefore, they will not break up with the mainland over the Taiwan question, analysts said. 

How can these US politicians help secessionism when they don't even have any real powers to help Taiwan participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA) as an observer, questioned Yang. 

Xu Xue, a professor on Taiwan issues with the Institute of Taiwan at Xiamen University, told the Global Times on Saturday that DPP authority should not dare to declare independence, and the withdrawal of the proposal showed their panic when more people are aware of US' unreliability.  

According to Xu, the proposal and its withdrawal are just like a political show by clowns, which hardly affects the mainland's direction but only deceiving Taiwan residences. 

Compared to the political soap opera directed by the DPP, the mainland cares much more about China-US relations and the understanding and support of Taiwan residents, said Xu.

Taiwan secessionists have misread situations and repeatedly challenged the bottom line of the mainland, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, commented after DPP legislators proposed to remove the mention of the reunification of China.

DPP's acts are extremely dangerous. No one should underestimate the will and determination of 1.4 billion Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he added.