Chat attackbe struck from
A: Did you know? Pangolins have been struck from the newest published version of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia Volume 1. And on June 5, pangolins were promoted to a level one nationally protected wild animal.
你知道吗?最新出版的2020年版《中国药典》(一部)中,穿山甲被除名。并且6月5日, 穿山甲升为国家一级保护野生动物。
(nǐ zhīdàoma? zuìxīn chūbǎnde èrlínɡèrlínɡbǎn zhōnɡɡuóyàodiǎn yībùzhōnɡ,chuānshānjiǎ bèichúmínɡ. bìnɡqiě liùyuèwǔrì, chuānshānjiǎ shēnɡwéi ɡuójiāyījí bǎohù yěshēnɡ dònɡwù.)
B: Yup. There have already been clinical trials that prove pigs' hooves can effectively replace pangolin as a pain killer, anti-inflammatory, stimulating milk production etcetera.
(shìde. mùqián yěyǐjīnɡ yǒu línchuánɡ shíyàn zhènɡmínɡ, zhūtíjiǎ zài xiāotònɡ, kànɡyán, cuīrǔděnɡ fānɡmiàn kěyǐ qǔdài chuānshānjiǎde ɡōnɡxiào. )
A: They actually should have corrected this information a long time ago. By making pangolins a level one nationally protected wild animal, it has finally attainted the protection is should have had.
(qíshí zǎojiù yīnɡɡāi ɡènɡzhènɡ zhèyīxìnxīle. xiànzài chuānshānjiǎ zuòwéi ɡuójiāyījí bǎohù yěshēnɡ dònɡwù, dédàole yīnɡyǒude bǎohù.)
Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT