Chinese FM seeks to cool off China-US tensions: reject confrontation, decoupling
Published: Aug 06, 2020 01:28 AM

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi gives an exclusive interview to Xinhua on China-US ties in Beijing, capital of China, August 5, 2020. Photo: Xinhua

"Avoid confrontation, keep the channels open for candid dialogue, reject decoupling, stand up to shared responsibilities," said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday, putting forward four principles to advance China-US ties.

The remarks of China's top diplomat come after Chinese ambassadors to some major countries, including the US and the UK on numerous times sent similar signals reiterating that China has no intention of escalating tensions with the US, is willing to cool down the situation and hopes to persuade the US to engage in dialogues.

In an interview with the Xinhua News Agency, Wang expounded on the clear-cut framework for the China-US relations - steer clear of red lines and avoid confrontation; keep the channels open for candid dialogue; reject decoupling and uphold cooperation; abandon the zero-sum mentality and stand up to shared responsibilities.

China is ready to make cool-headed and sensible response to the impulsive moves and anxiety of the US side, Wang said, noting that "We are ready to restart the dialogue mechanisms with the US side at any level, in any area and at any time. All issues can be put on the table for discussion."

"China and the United States should stop attempts at decoupling and advance the relationship through cooperation, and live up to their responsibility for the world," Wang said.

Wang's remarks came after Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai told US media on Tuesday that China and the US are at a very critical moment in their relations and that relations between the two countries were at the lowest point in nearly 50 years since 1971.

Ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming also told media recently that China has no intention to destroy the bilateral ties and will continue to try to engage with the US.  

In response to the escalating provocations from the US side, especially US State Secretary Mike Pompeo's assertion that the policy of engagement with China pursued by successive US administrations has failed, Wang said that "The assertion is just a rehash of the Cold War mentality."

The assertion turns a blind eye to all that has been achieved in China-US relations over the past decades, and shows ignorance of the historical process and lack of respect for the Chinese and American peoples. This is a political virus which is understandably questioned and rebuked by people in the US and the international community, Wang noted.

"We urge the United States to stop acting with arrogance and prejudice, but enter into constructive dialogue with us on an equal footing," Wang said.

Some American politicians who are biased against and hostile to China are using their power to smear China with fabrications and impede normal ties with China under various pretexts, Wang said.

China rejects any attempt to create a so-called "new Cold War," Wang said.

What they want is to revive McCarthyism in an attempt to undermine US relations with China, stoke hostility between the two peoples, and erode trust between the two countries, Wang said.

"We hope that it will work with us to ease current tensions and put the relations back onto the right track of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation," he said. "This serves the shared interests of the two peoples and meets the expectation of the international community."