Huawei has yet to be ruled out from Israel’s 5G network: source
Published: Aug 19, 2020 08:52 PM

Huawei Photo: Xinhua

The question over whether Israel would exclude Huawei from its future 5G networks is still unclear as "the overall issue is still under consideration," a spokesman with the Israeli Embassy in China told the Global Times Wednesday.

The comment came as media reports that the US government is expecting Israel to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that would exclude the Chinese technology firm from its 5G mobile networks, according to media reports, a move that reflects the US' blatant attempt aspiring to cut links between Chinese technology and the world, industry analysts say.

This matter is now under the Israeli Ministry of Communications and the overall issue is still under consideration, a spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in China told the Global Times.

In response to the Global Times, the embassy spokesman said that Israel is preparing for its 5G telecommunication networks, and the Ministry of Communications' tender for the allocation of frequencies had just closed.

"5G network deployment will be conducted in a manner to safeguard as well as to further contribute to Israel's economic and national resilience," said the spokesman.

In signing the MoU, Israel is likely to join the US State Department's "Clean Network," the Jerusalem Post reported.

The US is now mounting pressure on its allies to exclude Huawei's world-leading 5G technology, and Israel, an ally of the US, is facing the pressure too, experts said.

However, the results remain murky, as some countries in Europe have obviously bowed to Washington pressure to shun Huawei's 5G equipment, Song Guoyou, director of Fudan University's Center for Economic Diplomacy, told the Global Times Wednesday.

Song believes that Israel may announce that it will no longer use Huawei 5G under US' extreme pressure, but that would inevitably affect relations between China and Israel.

"We hope that Israel will reconsider the issue in light of its independent foreign policy and its own national interests," said Song.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on August 14 that the so-called "Clean Network" seems to be the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's pet phrase.

"In an era of globalization, 5G technology development should follow the concept of international consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. Politicizing relevant issues or creating cliques won't be conducive to 5G progress," Zhao said.

"The 'Clean Network' is a means whereby the US government uses its political and security logic to throttle world cooperation, which will bring economic damage to other countries, including the US itself," Song said.

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