US election shamelessly exploits Xinjiang topic: Global Times editorial
Published: Aug 26, 2020 09:10 PM

Xinjiang. File photo: VCG

US media quoted anonymous officials as saying that the Trump administration is "weighing formally labeling China's brutal repression of ethnic Muslim minority Uighurs a 'genocide.'" The campaign of Democratic challenger Joe Biden soon issued a similar statement.

Both Trump and Biden have just been formally nominated by their parties as the presidential candidates and their campaigns have been competing over which side is tougher on China. This time, right after the Trump administration revealed it would toss out a new anti-China agenda, Biden's team immediately followed suit and hyped it up. It has become another anti-China farce in the battle between the two candidates. 

Genocide is a very serious crime. The United Nations has a clear definition of it, which has nothing to do with the situation in Xinjiang. Ethnic minorities in China have enjoyed protection and preferential treatment. A typical example is the one-child policy is relatively relaxed on them, and ethnic students can get additional points when they take the national college entrance examinations. Arranging the employment of ethnic minorities has also been a compulsory policy for companies in ethnic areas. Imposing the crime of genocide on China is as absurd as saying Capitol Hill is a camp of money.

Historically, the Nazi holocaust was genocide. The tragedy of the American Indians is another example. The North American continent, which used to be home to the Indians, is now occupied by migrants from Europe. American Indians can only be seen in Indian reservations or films.

Anyone who goes to Xinjiang will feel the customs of ethnic minorities. A few years ago, violent and terrorist activities constantly occurred, which led to a tense atmosphere and economic stagnation. But the situation has fundamentally turned for the better in the past two years. The impact of external extreme religions has been eradicated, and the original Uygur culture is freely practiced.

This is a promising ethnic region. How can the US, which almost destroyed the American Indians and other cultures, have the nerve to label China's Xinjiang policy as "genocide?" US officials and politicians are shameless.

The election has exposed the brazen nature of US politics. Biden's team picked up the agenda of the Trump administration, which is pushing the Trump team to take real action. Once the Trump administration does so, it will turn into a serious diplomatic issue and trigger a strong response from the Chinese side, leading China-US relations to new uncertainties.

Washington should be clear that it cannot always attack China and intensify bilateral relations to boost reelection odds. US society benefits from normal China-US ties, which feature more on cooperation, and Americans do not want to decouple or break from China. If relations suffer a major crisis, the Trump team should bear the responsibility, while the Biden team could watch, and fear less than the Trump team about a real conflict between China and the US.

Washington cannot exploit China agendas forever. The Trump administration thinks that raising its anti-China tone is one of its advantages. This may be an illusion. Overly playing the card could become a risk. Biden's team may continue to take advantage of Trump's campaign by hyping the same topic Trump has raised, forcing the latter to fulfill its high-risk anti-China moves, putting the latter at a disadvantage. 

It is absurd to claim that "genocide" is taking place in Xinjiang. If the plan is carried out, it would be an extremely reckless diplomatic adventure. Trump's team won't gain extra points by doing so, but will only be caught in a dilemma.