Animated Korean War film 'Salute to the Heroes' gets release date
Published: Oct 18, 2020 09:22 PM

Poster of Salute to the Heroes Photo: Weibo

Salute to the Heroes, a Chinese animated film commemorating the heroic Chinese army during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), also known as the Korean War, will hit screens in the Chinese mainland on Friday, day and date with the much anticipated Korean War epic Jin Gang Chuan

As a film that dedicated to marking the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' participation in the war, Salute to the Heroes focuses on restoring the remarkable deeds and stories of great soldiers such as Qiu Shaoyun, who laid motionlessly on the ground in a burning fire in order to not expose the whereabouts of his troop, and Yang Gensi, who picked up an explosive bag and rushed into an enemy group. Such stories aim to show the tenacity and bravery of the Chinese Volunteer Army to audiences. 

Including Salute to the Heroes, there are three other upcoming films - war epics Jin Gang Chuan, Company of Heroes and the documentary Up Close: the War in the 1950s - that come together as a tetralogy of sorts reviewing the Korean War. 

The release of the four war films has become a hot topic that has inspired many Chinese netizens and moviegoers to comment on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo.

"Being burnt by some hot boiling water makes me feel like I am dying, I can't even imagine how much Qiu Shaoyun suffered while sacrificing himself... I salute him," one netizen commented on Sina Weibo.      

"The films are commemorating the Chinese heroes who fought in the Korean War to protect our country, I'll support them no matter what," posted another netizen on Sina Weibo.  

While Jin Gang Chuan and Salute to the Heroes debut on Friday, the remaining two films have only revealed their concept film posters to the public.