Learning Chinese
Published: Dec 16, 2020 06:38 PM
Chat attack

testify/ 作证
/ (zuòzhènɡ)

A: There's really no easy life for online ride-hailing drivers.


(wǎnɡyuēchē sījī kězhēn bùrónɡyì.)

B: Why do you think so?


(zěnme fāchū zhèyànɡde ɡǎnkǎi?)

A: An online ride-hailing driver in Dongguan, Guangdong Province received a pick up case recently. The passengers were a family of three with a baby. After getting in the car, the baby suddenly became ill.

广东东莞的网约车司机近日接到一张订单, 乘客为一家三口带着一个婴儿, 上车不久婴儿突发疾病失去知觉。

(ɡuǎnɡdōnɡ dōnɡɡuǎnde wǎnɡyuēchē sījī jìnrì jiēdào yìzhānɡ dìnɡdān, chénɡkè wéiyìjiā sānkǒu dàizheyíɡè yīnɡér, shànɡchē bùjiǔ yīnɡér tūfā jíbìnɡ shīqù zhījué.)

B: And then? 



A: To save time, the driver ran three red lights to send the child to the doctor. For this, he was deducted 18 points and fined 600 yuan ($92).

为了抢时间,司机连着闯了三个红灯将孩子送医, 为此, 他要被扣18分,并处以600元的罚款。

(wéile qiǎnɡshíjiān, sījī liánzhe chuǎnɡle sānɡè hónɡdēnɡ jiānɡháizi sònɡyī, wéicǐ, tāyàobèikòu shíbāfēn, bìnɡchǔyǐ liùbǎiyuánde fákuǎn.)

B: The punishment can be revoked when the baby's family testifies. The police has done so.


(yīnɡér jiāshǔ zuòzhèn ɡjiùkěyǐ chèxiāo chǔfá. jǐnɡfānɡ yǐjīnɡ qǔxiāo chǔfále.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT