China may vaccinate children and teenager against coronavirus as early as March: industry insider
China may vaccinate children and teenager against coronavirus as early as March: industry insider
Published: Jan 18, 2021 11:08 AM

Sinopharm vaccine File photo:VCG

China's COVID-19 vaccination program may be expanded to include low age groups of minor and young people aged 3 to 17 years old, domestic news site reported.

Yang Xiaoming, chairman of China National Biotec Group (CNBG), a leading COVID-19 vaccine developer, said his company is submitting relevant clinical data to the National Medical Products Administration.

It is expected that children and teenagers will be cleared to be vaccinated as early as March, Yang said.

Yang said this low age group can be vaccinated, based on internal data, but stressed that more caution must be exercised and more observation is needed.

Children's immune system differs to that from adults, being less developed. 

CNBG is a subsidiary of China's pharmaceutical company Sinopharm, who's vaccine product has already been administered to 10 million recipients. 

Global Times

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