Shanghai company learns $300,000 lesson on never hiring game addict as cashier
Published: Feb 24, 2021 08:18 PM

Computer game Photo: IC

A game addict in Shanghai recently found a way out of his economic plight in his bid for a better gaming experience - taking advantage of his cashier position in a fodder company and embezzling nearly two million yuan ($300,000) to spend on the game, reported People's Daily on Tuesday.

The man, surnamed Yao, turned himself into police after failing to cover up his embezzlement when the company checked its bank account on January 19. 

From February to December, 2020, Yao first stole cash from the company's safe and deposited it in batches into his private bank account. He later went on to transfer larger sums of money each time, said police. 

The amount of money Yao embezzled came to 1.9 million yuan, most of which was used in an online game to pay for the game equipment and account.

"I just wanted to have a better gaming experience," he told police.

"No wonder they say the online gaming industry is now the biggest competitor of the gambling industry," said one netizen on Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo.