Learning Chinese
Published: Mar 03, 2021 05:13 PM
Chat attack

bring to justice/ 绳之以法/ (shénɡzhīyǐfǎ)

A: Have you heard? The police in Shanghai recently arrested a murderer. This person is the owner of a pork shop who murdered a woman and cut up her body. But now he has been brought to justice. 


(nǐ tīnɡshuō le ma?zuìjìn shànɡhǎi jǐnɡfānɡ dǎibǔ le yīɡè shārénfàn, cǐrén shì zhūròu pù lǎobǎn, cénɡzài ershisan  nián qián jiānɡ nǚzǐ shāhài bìnɡ fēnshī.dàn xiànzài bèi shénɡzhīyǐfǎle.)

B: This is so scary it makes me gasp. Do you know the details of the case? 


(zhè zhēn rànɡ rén ɡǎndào hàipà, dǎoxī yīkǒu liánɡqì.jùtǐ ànjiàn de xìjié nǐ zhīdào ma?)

A: Twenty-three years ago, human bones and body parts were constantly discovered in a small stream in Shanghai's Songjiang district. The police at the crime scene discovered some biological traces and determined that the human parts belonged to a woman surnamed Zhang. 


(èrshí duōnián qián, bùduàn yǒu réntǐ ɡǔɡé hé shīkuài zài shànɡhǎi sōnɡjiānɡ de xiǎo héɡōu lǐ bèi fāxiàn.jǐnɡfānɡ zài ànfāxiànchǎnɡ zhǎodào yīméi shēnɡwù hénjì, bìnɡqiě quèrèn zhèxiē réntǐ zǔzhī shǔyú yī ɡè zhānɡxìnɡ nǚzǐ.)

B: Ok. I think you'd better not go on, it's really scary. This type of plot almost seems unreal.

行了,我看你还是别说了,怪吓人的。 这种桥段似乎也太不真实了。

(xínɡle, wǒkàn nǐ háishì biéshuōle, ɡuài xiàrén de. zhèzhǒnɡ qiáoduàn sìhū yě tàibù zhēnshí le.)

A: True, I hope I never heard of this too. 


(duì,wǒ xīwànɡ wǒ yě cónɡlái méi tīnɡɡuò zhè shì.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT