New exhibition show focuses on emotions of young artist
New exhibition show focuses on emotions of young artist
Published: Mar 11, 2021 06:28 PM
<em>Emotion Diary</em> by Zhang Ying Photo: Courtesy of Zhang Ying

Emotion Diary by Zhang Ying Photo: Courtesy of Zhang Ying

Emotions exist as we live. However, we seldom notice that they can be expressed through art installations. 

A new exhibition in downtown Beijing's HARMAY Sanlitun Space is offering visitors a chance to learn how young artist Zhang Ying interacts with her emotions through art. 

According to the exhibition's curators Chen Yufeng and Zhai Yuting, the Emotional Cues exhibition focuses on Zhang's everyday memories and emotions and places them on display in a public space in the hope of inspiring visitors to reflect and look inward at themselves. 

Zhang has attempted to capture the emotions of everyday life in her installation art pieces like Heart Chakra, a slowly rotating kinetic installation that represents her heart rate in a particular situation. 

The Beijing native has also brought artwork Sulcus and painting series Emotion Diary to the exhibition.

The exhibition, which is free to the public, is set to run until April 26.
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