Forum commemorates life of Li Dazhao, co-founder of the CPC, at Beijing Archives
Published: Apr 26, 2021 06:23 PM
A forum commemorates life of Li Dazhao was held in Beijing Archives on Monday. Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Archives

A forum commemorates life of Li Dazhao was held in Beijing Archives on Monday. Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Archives

A revolutionary forum in commemorating the life of Li Dazhao, co-founder of the Communist Party of China of (CPC) and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, was held in Beijing Archives on Monday.

More than 20 scholars and experts in the research of history of the CPC and the revolutionary life of Li participated in the forum. They discussed Li Dazhao's thinking and practice of theParty-building theory, shared some historical and significant events that Li joined in the founding of the CPC and analyzed how to inherit the Party spirit in this new era. 

Meanwhile, the descendants of Li Dazhao and his close friend Li Shi donated some precious archives including newspapers, a 360-degree panoramic photo of Beijing City taken around 1920, and a group photo of the revolutionists.

The forum was held after an exhibition of Li Dazhao kicked off at the archive on April 9. A total of 200 archives themed on Li Dazhao's life and revolutionary activities have been displayed, and20 of them are shown to the public for the first time, China News reported.

Li Dazhao, a Chinese intellectual, co-founded the CPC in 1921 with another scholar Chen Duxiu in July, 1921. While participating in the political movements, he was arrested and then executed by a northern warlord in Beijing on April 28, 1927.