Published: Jul 01, 2021 05:38 PM



  1 What you need to solve a crossword on your phone

  4 Turning points in ballet?

  8 Not imaginary

 14 Damage

 15 Easter egg event

 16 Woman whose help is requested in a Beach Boys hit

 17 When to wish a tennis player luck?

 19 C in chemistry class?

 20 Big bags

 21 Informal assent

 23 Pius VIII or Urban VIII

 24 Assert

 26 When you actually had to call people?

 28 Closes the door on

 30 Gunk

 31 Unclothed

 32 San Francisco's ___ Hill

 34 Certain IRAs

 38 Had for lunch, say

 39 When not to interrupt a jazz soloist?

 42 Kanga's child

 43 Multiple fish, in Italian

 45 Everything

 46 Round of applause

 47 European peaks

 50 Instinctual drives

 52 When to decide on a lover's suitability?

 56 Egg-cooking aid

 57 Wicked force

 58 Phys. ed. sites

 60 Roman clothes

 62 Eye part with rods and cones

 64 When to read Luke and John?

 66 Legendary Norse sea monster

 67 Kite-flying obstacle

 68 Dessert for the kittens who found their mittens

 69 Throws around

 70 MMXXI, e.g.

 71 Perceived visually


  1 Roadies' burdens

  2 Skydiving need

  3 Makes impossible

  4 One of 95 for Martin Luther

  5 Your and my

  6 "I wish I had that!" feeling

  7 Difficult to climb

  8 One may wear a quiver

  9 Half a Latin dance

 10 Destroyer destroyer

 11 Remove from a package

 12 Take in, as a dog

 13 Freeway drivers' options

 18 Piece of footwear with a blade

 22 Rainbow shape

 25 Far from full-size

 27 Grassy layer

 28 Sound made with two fingers

 29 Head gesture

 33 Upper undergarment

 35 International economic disparities

 36 Speakers' fees

 37 Covers with rolls of grass

 39 Not very spicy

 40 Feeling crummy

 41 Move like a butterfly

 44 Feline

 46 Fan's words to a TV camera, perhaps

 48 Ancient Greeks, e.g., religiously

 49 Pig's home

 51 Holding a grudge

 52 Private jets, corner offices, and others

 53 In plain view

 54 Plucked Indian instrument

 55 Ready for a refill

 59 Achy

 61 Bias

 63 Word before "money" or "moon"

 65 Sailor's place

