Learning Chinese
Published: Jul 07, 2021 05:58 PM
Chat attack

tonsillitis/ 扁桃体发炎/ (biǎntáotǐ fāyán)

A: What's wrong with you? Do you feel uncomfortable?


(nǐ zěnme le, shì shēntǐ bùtài shūfú ma?)

B: Yeah. My cold gave me a sore throat and this led to tonsillitis. Even drinking water hurts really bad. 


(shìde, wǒ ɡǎnmào yǐnqǐle yānhóu tònɡ.dǎozhì biǎntáotǐ fāyán, hēshuǐ dōuhuì ɡǎndào fēichánɡ ténɡtònɡ.)

A: I recently saw a doctor say that eating an ice pop can help ease a sore throat. I've tried it and it works. You can try it too.


(wǒ zuìjìn kàndào yǒu yīshēnɡ shuō chībīnɡbànɡ kěyǐ huǎnjiě yānhóutònɡ.wǒ shìle yīxià, tǐnɡyǒuyònɡde.nǐ yěkěyǐ chánɡshì xià.)

B: Really? That's great. I can't wait to try it. 


(shìma? zhè zhēnde tàibànɡle.wǒ pòbùjídàide xiǎnɡqù shìshìle.)

A: But while the doctor recommended that eating ice pops can ease a sore throat, you can't eat too many and you can only eat them when your digestive system is working normally. You have to pay attention to this.


(bùɡuò yīshēnɡ jiànyì suīrán chī bīnɡbànɡ nénɡ huǎnjiě yānhóutònɡ, dàn bùkě ɡuòliànɡ shíyònɡ, érqiě bìxū zài bǎozhènɡ chánɡwèi ɡōnɡnénɡ zhènɡchánɡ de qínɡkuànɡxià shíyònɡ.zhè yīdiǎn xūyào yǐnqǐ nǐde zhùyì.) 

B: Okay. I'll pay attention. Thanks for letting me know. 


(hǎode, wǒ huì zhùyì de.xièxiè nǐ ɡàosù wǒ.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT