'Drop the illusion. You'll never see that day come again!' Chinese FM slams West for trying to push HK back to chaos
'Drop the illusion. You'll never see that day come again!' Chinese FM slams West for trying to push HK back to chaos
Published: Aug 05, 2021 11:56 AM
Photo: fmprc.gov.cn

Photo: fmprc.gov.cn

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday warned the US and Japan to "drop the illusion" of pushing Hong Kong back to chaos, refuting their remarks on issues related to Xinjiang and Hong Kong regions and their attacks on China's human rights.

Wang's remarks came after he asked for the floor for the second time at the 11th East Asia Summit (EAS) Foreign Ministers' Meeting via video link, in response to US and Japanese delegates' speeches attacking China.

"Such smearing remarks are nothing but clichés and aren't even worth refuting, which the ASEAN also have not echoed," Wang said. 

Affairs related to Xinjiang and Hong Kong are all China's internal affairs, and it is a serious breach of basic norms in handling international relations for some countries to point fingers and make irresponsible judgments over such issues. It undermines the principle of sovereignty.

"For such deplorable behavior, we will tear them down each and every time they come up," Wang added. 

In recent years, the population of Uygur ethnic group in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has doubled, and their average life expectancy has increased. Annual income, education and other indicators are all looking promising. 

"How could such count as 'genocide?'" Wang asked. "On the subject of genocide, the US' massive killing in previous years of American Indians is the real genocide. The US' waging warfare around the world, leaving casualties and sufferings of innocent civilians everywhere, is the real war against humanity."

Wang went on to say that the Xinjiang government has always held an open and transparent attitude that uses facts and data to refute lies, and the ethnic minorities, including Uygur ethnic group, have stood up to fight back against the rumors with their own experiences.  

However, the US has turned a blind eye to this. "Where is your conscience? Where is your credibility?" Wang asked, saying that the paranoia the US has shown reflected typical Western-style arrogance and impertinence. 

On the issues of Hong Kong, Wang said the national security law for Hong Kong and the reform of the electoral system have restored stability and enhanced the rule of law. They have ensured the legitimate rights and interests of local residents and all people living in the region, and guaranteed a steady implementation of "one country, two systems."

Some 70 percent of Hong Kong residents are satisfied with the current situation, he added. "So now you are expressing your so-called concerns. What exactly are they? Do you want to push Hong Kong back to the chaos or let the secessionists take to the streets again?"

"I am making this clear: Drop such illusion. You will never see that day coming again!"

Global Times

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