Book Express
Published: Dec 07, 2021 06:28 PM

Luo Yin

(833-910, Tang Dynasty)

All say that snow forebodes a bumper year.

What if it should arouse less joy than fear?

There are poor people in the capital,

Who are afraid much bumper snow will fall.




About the poet 

Luo Yin, a Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907) poet whose literature talent was  buried for almost 10 years before finally been discovered. In his later years, the poet chose to live a hermit life. 

About the translator 

Xu Yuanchong (1921-2021) was born in Nanchang in East China's Jiangxi Province. He was a professor of literary translation at Peking University.

About the book 

300 Tang Poems/ Translated by Xu Yuanchong Published by China Intercontinental Press