The UK’s political attack against China and Russia will only deteriorate global cyberspace
Published: Dec 15, 2021 10:27 PM
cyberspace Photo:VCG


The UK said it views China and Russia as strategic rivals in the developments of some major technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and microprocessor design, and it would push back at what it casts as attempts by Russia and China to establish national sovereignty over the communications arteries and emerging technologies, according to Reuters.

It is not surprising that the UK launched groundless attacks on China and Russia through cybersecurity issues. As globalization enters the "digital age," cyberspace, as an extension of real world, has increasingly become a new field for competition and cooperation among nations. The UK has always been a close ally of the US. When it comes to cybersecurity issues, the UK has long been using clichés to show its presence in geopolitical game. Especially after Brexit, the UK's relations with China and Russia have further deteriorated, and it has intensified its attacks on China and Russia.

"Debates over the rules governing cyberspace will increasingly become a site of systemic competition between great powers, with a clash of values," Britain said, according to the Reuters.  The UK's groundless smearing is obviously based on ideology mindset, producing artificial confrontation.

In recent years, the US drew its alliance in the field of cyberspace security. The intention of the US is to maintain cyberspace hegemony by consolidating the resources of its allies. The core technology of the UK is based on the US, without technological autonomy. It hopes to use the support of the US and therefore follow the US to attack China and Russia.

In terms of technology development, the UK lags behind China and Russia and describes China and Russia as rivals. More importantly, it is to ensure that it is consistent with the US' political position and serves the US' strategic calculations.

Speaking on cyber security issues, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson said in a press conference in October that China opposes any institution or individual's mud-slinging at China under the pretext of cyber security, oppose certain country's pursuit of supremacy and wanton act to smear other countries. All countries should work together on cyber security, strengthen dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect. It must be pointed out that the UK is not qualified to point fingers towards other countries on cyber-attacks or technological development.

At present, the core issue of global cyberspace is the lack of a truly global governance mechanism. On the issue of cyberspace, the UN has not been able to enter the core position of coordinating all parties, and no other institution has established a global mechanism. Therefore, whether it is to respond to hacker attacks, ransomware, or the infrastructure of cross-border data circulation, there is a lack of a globalized mechanism.

Even the US, which has the strongest cyberspace capabilities, is actually unable to solve many problems on its own. Under such circumstances, the only way to truly solve the problem of cyberspace is to coordinate and cooperate to establish an order in cyberspace.

If major powers choose to confront each other, the entire cyberspace will not be able to establish order. This is the exact confrontational attitude adopted by the UK and other Western countries, which will only make the problem worse. If they continue to use political thinking to deal with cyberspace issues, it will only make cyberspace more dangerous. 

In the field of cyberspace security, whether at the technical or political levels, the UK's biggest problem is a lack of real strategic autonomy. The UK's approach to politicizing cyberspace issues will not serve its interests, but will only hinder its technological development.

The author is "Qiushi" distinguished professor at Zhejiang University.

cyberspace Photo:VCG


The UK said it views China and Russia as strategic rivals in the developments of some major technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and microprocessor design, and it would push back at what it casts as attempts by Russia and China to establish national sovereignty over the communications arteries and emerging technologies, according to Reuters.

It is not surprising that the UK launched groundless attacks on China and Russia through cybersecurity issues. As globalization enters the "digital age," cyberspace, as an extension of real world, has increasingly become a new field for competition and cooperation among nations. The UK has always been a close ally of the US. When it comes to cybersecurity issues, the UK has long been using clichés to show its presence in geopolitical game. Especially after Brexit, the UK's relations with China and Russia have further deteriorated, and it has intensified its attacks on China and Russia.

"Debates over the rules governing cyberspace will increasingly become a site of systemic competition between great powers, with a clash of values," Britain said, according to the Reuters.  The UK's groundless smearing is obviously based on ideology mindset, producing artificial confrontation.

In recent years, the US drew its alliance in the field of cyberspace security. The intention of the US is to maintain cyberspace hegemony by consolidating the resources of its allies. The core technology of the UK is based on the US, without technological autonomy. It hopes to use the support of the US and therefore follow the US to attack China and Russia.

In terms of technology development, the UK lags behind China and Russia and describes China and Russia as rivals. More importantly, it is to ensure that it is consistent with the US' political position and serves the US' strategic calculations.

Speaking on cyber security issues, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson said in a press conference in October that China opposes any institution or individual's mud-slinging at China under the pretext of cyber security, oppose certain country's pursuit of supremacy and wanton act to smear other countries. All countries should work together on cyber security, strengthen dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect. It must be pointed out that the UK is not qualified to point fingers towards other countries on cyber-attacks or technological development.

At present, the core issue of global cyberspace is the lack of a truly global governance mechanism. On the issue of cyberspace, the UN has not been able to enter the core position of coordinating all parties, and no other institution has established a global mechanism. Therefore, whether it is to respond to hacker attacks, ransomware, or the infrastructure of cross-border data circulation, there is a lack of a globalized mechanism.

Even the US, which has the strongest cyberspace capabilities, is actually unable to solve many problems on its own. Under such circumstances, the only way to truly solve the problem of cyberspace is to coordinate and cooperate to establish an order in cyberspace.

If major powers choose to confront each other, the entire cyberspace will not be able to establish order. This is the exact confrontational attitude adopted by the UK and other Western countries, which will only make the problem worse. If they continue to use political thinking to deal with cyberspace issues, it will only make cyberspace more dangerous. 

In the field of cyberspace security, whether at the technical or political levels, the UK's biggest problem is a lack of real strategic autonomy. The UK's approach to politicizing cyberspace issues will not serve its interests, but will only hinder its technological development.

The author is "Qiushi" distinguished professor at Zhejiang University.