Chinese Ambassador refutes West attacks on China’s aid to Solomon Islands with five guiding principles
Chinese Ambassador refutes West attacks on China’s aid to Solomon Islands with five guiding principles
Published: Jan 04, 2022 10:00 PM Updated: Jan 04, 2022 10:04 PM
China and Solomon Islands Photo: VCG
China and Solomon Islands Photo: VCG

 Chinese Ambassador to the Solomon Islands on Monday refuted recent attacks and slanders from Western countries, stressing that China's aid is based on equality and respect and all China-aid projects in the Solomon Islands are implemented upon full consultations with the local government.

Ambassador Li Ming said in a signed article entitled "China aid is based on respect, with tangible benefits" which was published on Star News and The Island Sun News, two of the largest newspapers in the Solomon Islands, on Monday. 

The remarks came after the US ambassador to the Solomon Islands who warned Pacific Islands against "aid that benefits one person, one party and one bank account" on December 13, 2021, targeting China.

The Wall Street Journal then published an article entitled "Beijing Courts the Solomon Islands" on December 29, 2021, claiming that "as Beijing seeks to displace the US as the dominant power in the Pacific, it's establishing a small police presence on the Solomon Islands that could easily grow." 

As the largest developing country in the world, China has offered aid support to Pacific Island Countries including the Solomon Islands in a wide range of areas under the framework of South-South cooperation for decades, Li said. 

He pointed out that China helped build more than 100 infrastructure projects, including international conference centers, ports, roads, schools and hospitals.

Among these are the Airport Expressway and six-lane Independence Boulevard in Papua New Guinea, Sports Stadium in Vanuatu, Agriculture Technology Centre in Samoa, and Juncao (a kind of mushroom) technology in Fiji.

Li also noted that China sponsored over 1300 young students, 4000 vocational and technical training opportunities to countries in the Pacific Islands.

Li stressed that China's foreign aid policy has five guiding principles. Firstly, China's aid is based on equality and respect. All China-aid projects in the Solomon Islands are implemented upon full consultations with the local government. Secondly, it's based on non-interference. In the Solomon Islands, China respects sovereignty of the national government when cooperating with provinces on aid projects. Thirdly, it produces tangible outcomes. Local workers are happy to learn new techniques and skills from their Chinese colleagues. China aid goes to projects, not to a few consultants. Fourthly, It's is sustainable. "China debt trap" is misinformation spread by some western countries. Last, it's open and inclusive. China-aid projects serve the people of the Solomon Islands and never target any third party.

China and the Solomon Islands established official bilateral relations in September 2019. As Li said in his article "The diplomatic relationship between China and the Solomon Islands serves the long-term and fundamental interests of the Solomon Islands people and goes with the trend of times."

Global Times

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