Woman finds a hole in her heart after 56 years of headaches
Published: Mar 01, 2022 04:02 PM
The 62-year-old patient who had headaches for 56 years. Screenshot of and D Video

The 62-year-old patient who had headaches for 56 years. Screenshot of and D Video

The Daxing Hospital in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province, had a special patient on Sunday. The 62-year-old patient said she had been suffering from headaches of unknown cause since she was 6 years old. 

For the past 50 years, the patient relied on painkillers to relieve pain, usually 3 to 4 tablets a day. 

At the hospital the doctor said she might have "a congenital heart disease," which means there is a hole in her heart. After taking the B-mode ultrasound, the disease was diagnosed. Finally, the doctor chose the method of intervention for treatment, and this process only takes 30 minutes to complete.

After the treatment, the patient told the media that she had not taken any medicine for three days and felt refreshed. Netizens said the case proves that the old saying "treat the head when the head aches, treat the foot when the foot hurts" may not always be true.