GT Exclusive: Various sources reveal US National Security Council released disinformation on Ukraine crisis to smear China
GT Exclusive: Various sources reveal US National Security Council released disinformation on Ukraine crisis to smear China
Published: Mar 08, 2022 10:40 AM Updated: Mar 08, 2022 11:40 PM
An emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Ukraine is held at the UN headquarters in New York, Feb. 28, 2022. (Xinhua/Wang Ying)

An emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Ukraine is held at the UN headquarters in New York, Feb. 28, 2022. (Xinhua/Wang Ying)

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Citing "anonymous officials" to release disinformation is an old trick that the US has been using to mislead the public. The Global Times learned from various sources that "anonymous officials" who previous reports cited to claim that China had asked Russia not to take action in Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics are from the US National Security Council, and their purpose was to shift the US' responsibility in the conflict to profit from it and smear China.

In two reports, published on February 25 and March 2, the New York Times cited "anonymous US officials" saying that China had learned about Russia's plans in Ukraine and asked Russia not to take action before the end of the Winter Olympics. The reports accused China of standing with Russia to criticize the US and opposing US sanctions on Russia. 

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has refuted these reports and pointed out that the US fabricated information to smear China.

Citing "anonymous officials" to release disinformation to mislead the public is an old trick that the US has been playing. 

Through various sources, the Global Times has learned that the "anonymous officials" cited by the New York Times are from the National Security Council of the White House. 

Coincidentally, despite the Ukraine situation, the US seems to have increased its investment in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China's increasing influence, which indicates the US attempt to shift problems related to the Ukraine situation and to profit from other countries' conflicts. 

Analysts said that the problems associated with the Ukraine situation are clear, and the US and NATO are together pushing Ukraine into the fire. As the initiator of the conflict in Ukraine, the US is adding fuel to the fire, while accusing China of not making an effort to help, which is irresponsible and immoral, the analysts said.

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