Learning Chinese
Learning Chinese
Published: Mar 16, 2022 07:16 PM
Chat attack

running shoes / 跑鞋 / (pǎoxié)

A: Why are you covered in sweat? Did you just go running? 


(nǐ zěnme mǎntóu dàhàn, ɡānɡɡānɡ qù pǎobù le ma?)

B: Yeah. I just bought a pair of new running shoes and just wore them to try and see if they are comfortable or not.   


(shìde, wǒ jīntiān ɡānɡmǎi le yīshuānɡ xīn pǎoxié, ɡānɡɡānɡ chuānzhe chūqù shìle yīxià kàn shìfǒu shūshì.)

A: Speaking of running shoes, what difference is there between them and regular sports shoes?   


(shuōdào pǎoxié, tā hé yībānde yùndònɡxié yǒu shenme qūbié ne?)

B: They have different designs. The design of running shoes is longer and it wraps around your feet better. Sports shoes are looser than running shoes. In order to keep feet from swelling, sports shoes have been designed to be more comfortable. 

它们的版型不同。 跑鞋的版型会更加修长,而且包裹性更好。运动鞋比跑鞋宽松,为避免脚的浮肿,被设计成了更舒适的款式。

(tāmén de bǎnxínɡ bùtónɡ. pǎoxié de bǎnxínɡ huì ɡènɡjiā xiūchánɡ, érqiě bāoɡuǒ xìnɡ ɡènɡhǎo.yùndònɡ xié bǐ pǎoxié kuānsōnɡ, wéi bìmiǎn jiǎode fúzhǒnɡ, bèi shèjì chénɡle ɡènɡ shūshì de kuǎnshì.)

A: I got it now. No wonder professional athletes all need to wear running shoes.


(nà wǒ zhīdào le, ɡuàibùdé zhuānyè yùndònɡyuán dōu xūyào chuān pǎoxié ne.)

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

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