Learning Chinese
Learning Chinese
Published: Mar 17, 2022 07:27 PM
Chat attack

interact with/ 互动 / (hùdònɡ)

A: This week I'm going to Beijing Universal Studios. I'm so excited!


(zhèzhōu wǒyàoqù běijīnɡ huánqiú yǐnɡchénɡ, wǒ xīnqínɡ hěn jīdònɡ.)

B: Really? Then you definitely don't want to miss the opportunity to interact with Megatron, the character from the film Transformers. 


(shìma? nà nǐ yīdìnɡ bùyào cuòɡuò yǔ "wēizhèntiān" hùdònɡ de jīhuì.tā shì diànyǐnɡ biànxínɡ jīnɡānɡ lǐ de yīɡè jiǎosè.)

A: You're right! My goal is to go interact with Megatron. I get excited just thinking about it.


(nǐ shuōde tài duìle. wǒde mùbiāo jiùshì yàoqù hé "wēizhèntiān" hùdònɡ, xiǎnɡxiǎnɡ jiù rànɡwǒ xīnɡfèn.)

B: Haha. Speaking of this, did you know that China's short track speed skating champion Wu Dajing went and interacted with Megatron?


(hāhā, shuōdào zhèɡè, nǐ zhīdào zuìjìn zhōnɡɡuó duǎndào sùhuá mínɡjiānɡ wǔdàjìnɡ qù běijīnɡ huánqiú yǐnɡchénɡ hé "wēizhèntiān" hùdònɡ ma?)

A: I didn't know that. Tell me about it.  


(bù zhīdào ne, nǐ shuōlái tīnɡtīnɡ.)

B: Wu Dajing wore school uniform from Harry Potter and was carrying a wand in his hand while taking a souvenir picture with Megatron. 


(wǔdàjìnɡ shēnchuān hālìbōtè dàojùzhuānɡ, yīshǒu názhe mófǎbànɡ, yībiān yǔ wēizhèntiān héyǐnɡ liúniàn.)

Illustration:Liu Rui/GT

Illustration:Liu Rui/GT


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