Learning Chinese
Published: Apr 10, 2022 07:16 PM
Chat attack

flagship store / 旗舰店 / (qíjiàndiàn)

A: My sneakers are too old so I want to buy a pair of new ones. Do you have any suggestions?


(wǒ de yùndònɡxié tài jiùle, xiǎnɡmǎi yīshuānɡ xīn de, nǐyǒu shenme tuījiàn ma?)

B: Did you know that a famous Chinese sports brand just now opened a flagship store? Maybe you can go take a look there.  


(nǐ zhīdào yǒuɡè zhīmínɡ de zhōnɡɡuó yùndònɡ pǐnpái cái kāile qíjiàndiàn ma?huòxǔ nǐ kěyǐ qù kànkàn.)

A: Really? What is a flagship store?


(shìma?shenme shì qíjiàndiàn ne?)

B: In general, flagship stores refer to a certain brands' biggest and most complete store in a certain city. Generally speaking, they are larger than branch stores. 


(qíjiàndiàn yībān shì zhǐ mǒuyī pǐnpái zài mǒu chénɡshì zhōnɡ zuìdà qiě huòpǐn zuì wéi fēnɡfù qíquán de diànmiàn, yībān láishuō huìbǐ fēndiàn ɡènɡdà.)

A: How is the flagship store different than a regular store?  


(nà qíjiàndiàn huì ɡēn yībān de diànmiàn yǒu shenme bùtónɡ ma?)

B: A lot of flagship stores will create a shopping environment filled with human touches such as having a coffee house inside the store. 


(hěnduō qíjiàndiàn huì yínɡzào chū chōnɡmǎn rénwén qínɡhuái de ɡòuwù huánjìnɡ, lìrú huìzài diànnèi shè kāfēidiǎn děnɡ.)
Illustrations:Liu Xidan/GT

Illustrations:Liu Xidan/GT