ACROSS 1 tea type of the island of Taiwan
5 Bungle
10 Carpenter or harvester insects
14 Fusses
15 Come after
16 Pedal pushers
17 *Keep?
20 Aggravate
21 Bring up
22 Supermarket walkway
23 What the world's largest animal eats
25 Segment often measured in degrees
26 "Busy" buzzer
27 *Spam?
33 Chin indentation
35 Mama's mama, maybe
36 Yellowfin tuna
37 Word before "cord" or "current"
38 Puzzle-loving enemy of Batman
41 Deteriorate
42 "The loneliest number"
43 Fruit from a South American palm
44 Head lock?
46 *Pool?
50 Apply
51 Eats or drinks
52 Fix firmly
54 Sandbar
57 Macbeth's title
59 Actress MacGraw or Larter
62 *Sega? (Hint: Read each starred clue differently and interpret its answer as an instruction)
65 Guinness who played Obi-Wan Kenobi
66 One could say "I'm in heaven!"
67 What you may put on a cue ball
68 Statue's bottom
69 They fly in V formations
70 Hushed "Hey, you!"
DOWN 1 Island south of Borneo
2 Aroma's unpleasant relative
3 Job with three consecutive double letters
4 Request
5 On ___ of (representing)
6 "Long Day's Journey Into Night" playwright Eugene
7 General ___ chicken
8 Adorable
9 Sneaky laugh syllable
10 Continent with the shortest coastline
11 It doesn't exist before it breaks
12 Greenish blue
13 Eyelid concern
18 Sect leader?
19 Amelia who flew across the Atlantic
24 Call, like an NBA game
25 What Zapzyt treats
26 Buckwheat pancakes
28 Taj Mahal's country
29 Buddy
30 Prized postal possessions
31 That and that
32 Prepares to be painted
33 Gator's kin
34 Refrain from singing?
39 Puts a cold bag on
40 Small amount of gel
45 Regret
47 Word on an orange Monopoly card
48 Whooping birds
49 Popular e-reader
53 Doc for a puppy
54 Casual attempt
55 Dance in Waikiki
56 Rocks to assay
57 Voice quality
58 Bigger than big
60 Wreaths in Waikiki
61 Equivalent of "ain't"
63 Dustcloth
64 WWW access enabler