Milk tea costumed in laundry detergent draws controversy
Published: May 17, 2022 06:19 PM Updated: May 17, 2022 06:16 PM
Milk tea costumed in laundry detergent. Screenshot of The Paper
Milk tea costumed in laundry detergent. Screenshot of The Paper

In recent years, with the increase of all kinds of drink shops, drinks are constantly updated, and refreshing gems like the "coriander milk tea" and the "fish mint milk tea," get introduced on the market, attracting people's interest. Recently, a drinkable milk tea packaged to look like a detergent bottle has become a hit and can be purchased online.

However, the packaging of the milk tea container has sparked controversy, with some netizens questioning whether it will mislead children into thinking that detergent is fine to drink. And this may even increase the risk of children accidentally ingesting household laundry detergent.

The "detergent milk tea" came from Nanyeli Restaurant in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province, and the local market supervision administration said it had received complaints.

"Design can be innovative, but it should have a moral bottom line and be guided by a sense of public responsibility. This kind of milk tea can easily confuse children and even lead to serious consequences," one netizen commented. Some netizens even shared cases of citizens mistakenly eating food due to misleading packaging. According to the local administration, the case will be investigated and dealt with in 15 days.