Kindergarten conducts anti-terror drill: Unsuspecting parents subdue the ‘bad guy’ in minutes
Published: May 30, 2022 04:24 PM
A kindergarten in Zhuzhou, Central China's Hunan Province, has carried out a terror prevention drill on May 27, 2022.Screenshot of Bailu Video

A kindergarten in Zhuzhou, Central China's Hunan Province, has carried out a terror prevention drill on May 27, 2022.Screenshot of Bailu Video

To better protect children's safety, a kindergarten in Zhuzhou, Central China's Hunan Province, carried out a terror prevention drill on Friday. The drill was supposed to test the teachers' flexibility and reaction in the eventuality of an attack. Therefore, the teachers and parents had not been informed of the time of the drill.

The principal commissioned a child's father to be the "bad guy," as the man acted as a gangster trying to break into the campus to see how the teachers would help children to evacuate. 

However, when the "gangster" was trying to break into the front gate of the campus, unwitting parents and nearby businessmen rushed to the kindergarten and swiftly pulled him out of the campus. "The 'gangster' we prepared didn't even get to enter the kindergarten," the principal said.

Later, the kindergarten told the parents the truth, and the parents showed understanding and support. "It is very important for kindergartens to have such awareness," one parent said. "There is nothing wrong with taking care of our children's safety. Next time, they should have at least informed the parents, otherwise it will be dangerous and awkward if we accidentally hurt the 'ganster,'" another noted.