Book Express
Published: Jun 16, 2022 06:42 PM
Diversification and pluralism in China

Against the backdrop of globalization, the development of contemporary world architecture showed the characteristics of diversification and pluralism. New views and new tendencies emerged endlessly in architectural creation, and these theories played a positive role in China, which was striving for all-round modernization. 

While quoting the statements of the world's modern architectural masters in search of grounds for the argument that architecture should display modernity, people also kept purposefully transplanting diversified contemporary architectural cultures in an effort to blaze a trail suitable for China's architectural development and realize local innovation in Chinese architecture by learning from foreign avant-garde architectural schools, imitating popular foreign architectural forms and introducing foreign architectural structures, equipment and materials.  

In China, many works of this period almost covered all Western contemporary schools and popular trends. Various styles and forms such as neo-modernism, post-modernism, deconstructionism and the high-tech school were all manifested in China.

Neo-modernism was the mainstream architectural thought in the late 1980s and the 1990s, and also exerted influence on Chinese architecture gradually integrating into the tide of world architectural development. However, China's neo-modernist thought not only was influenced by Western neomodernism, but also included other architectural thoughts in the world and the restrictions of China's inherent traditional architectural thoughts, so it had more Chinese flavor.

About the book 

Chinese Architecture Written by Cai Yanxin Published by China Intercontinental Press, Beijing, 2018