Learning Chinese
Published: Jun 21, 2022 07:21 PM
Chat attack

snow fungus / 银耳 / (yíněr)

A: Do you know what snow fungus is? 


(nǐ zhīdào yíněr shì shenme ma?)

B: I only found out after coming to China. Snow fungus is a kind of edible traditional Chinese fungus. It is used in a lot of dishes. Everyone loves it.  


(wǒshì lái zhōnɡɡuó hòu cái zhīdào de.yíněr shì zhōnɡɡuó chuántǒnɡ de yīzhǒnɡ shíyònɡ jūn, bèi yònɡyú hěnduō de càiyáo zhōnɡ, shēnshòu dàjiā de xǐài.) 

A: You're right. This rare ingredient known as snow fungus started to be used in Chinese dishes starting from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).    


(nǐ shuōde méicuò, cónɡ qīnɡcháo kāishǐ, yíněr zhèzhǒnɡ zhēnxī de shícái jiùzài zhōnɡɡuó càiyáo zhōnɡ bèi ɡuǎnɡfàn yùnyònɡ le.)

B: From my observations, the most famous dish that uses snow fungus as an ingredient is snow fungus soup. 


(jùwǒ ɡuānchá, yǐ yíněr zuòwéi yuáncáiliào de càiyáo zhōnɡ zuìyǒu mínɡ de shì yíněrtānɡ. )

A: You're right. Do you know what other ingredients are in snow fungus soup? 


(nǐ shuōde méicuò, nà nǐ zhīdào yíněrtānɡ lǐ háiyǒu qítā nǎxiē shícái ma?)

B: Let me think, I recall that red dates, lotus seeds and wolfberries are also used.   


(rànɡ wǒ xiǎnɡxiǎnɡ, wǒ jìdé háiyǒu hónɡzǎo, liánzǐ hé ɡǒuqǐ.)

A: Yup. These ingredients are good for your health.


(shìde, zhèxiē shícái dōu yǒulìyú rén shēntǐ jiànkānɡ.)


Illustrations:Liu Xidan/GT

Illustrations:Liu Xidan/GT