Story of a video blogger’s uncle touches audience
Published: Jul 27, 2022 05:09 PM
The video blogger's uncle and uncle's wife. Photo: web

The video blogger's uncle and uncle's wife. Photo: web

Recently, a blogger shared his uncle's life story in a video format, which has attracted wide attention on Chinese social media platforms. In his video, his uncle, once a gifted boy in the village, became disabled because of a wrong injection when he got a fever in the year that he was taking the national college entrance examinations. 

But he did not give up on himself. After lying in bed for a year, he learned carpentry and went to other people's homes to help fix items. In this way, the uncle staggered through the first half of his life. "Had it not been for this wrong injection, he might well have come out of the mountains and become an engineer," the blogger said. "When I asked him if he felt regretful, he said never, and he told me that the biggest regret in life is always regretting something in the past."

The uncle's story helped cure the blogger's anxiety, and it also encouraged many young people struggling in big cities. 

After the uncle's story went viral, some netizens expressed the hope that uncle could open a live broadcast to show everyone his life. The blogger refused this and expressed his hope that nobody would disturb his uncle's life.

So far, because some of the attention that this story brought, the blogger's uncle and his wife have moved their home to other places.