Learning Chinese
Published: Aug 21, 2022 06:22 PM
Chat attack

reed parrotbill / 震旦鸦雀 / (zhèndànyāquè)

A: Do you know about this? I heard that reed parrotbills were discovered in Baiyang Lake. 


(nǐ zhīdào ma?tīnɡshuō báiyánɡdiàn fāxiàn le zhèndàn yāquè.)  

B: What's a reed parrotbill? Is it a type of bird? 


(shénme shì zhèndàn yāquè ne?tāshì yīzhǒnɡ niǎo ma?)  

A: The reed parrotbill is a rare bird native to China. They live among reed marshes. 


(zhèndàn yāquè shì zhōnɡɡuó tèyǒu de yīzhǒnɡ zhēnxī niǎolèi.tāmén shēnɡhuó yú lúwěidànɡ zhōnɡ.)  

B: It has a very unique name. Do you know more about it? 


(tāde mínɡzì zhēn dútè.nǐhái liaojiě ɡuānyú tāde qítā shìqínɡ ma?)  

A: "Zhendan" is actually an ancient name for China. This first specimen of this small bird was found in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province.


("zhèndàn" qíshíshì zhōnɡɡuó de ɡǔchēnɡ zhīyī.lìnɡwài, zhèzhǒnɡ xiǎoniǎo de dìyīɡè biāoběn cǎijí fāxiàndì shì zài zhōnɡɡuó nánjīnɡ.)

B: It's such a pity that I had never heard of this bird before today.


(zhēn yíhàn, wǒ zhīqián cónɡlái méi tīnɡshuōɡuò zhèzhǒnɡ niǎo.)  

A: At the end of 2021, photography enthusiasts took pictures of the reed parrotbill in the wetland parks in Nanjing. 


(èrlínɡèryī niándǐ, yǒu shèyǐnɡ àihǎozhě zài nánjīnɡ de shīdì ɡōnɡyuán pāidào le zhèndàn yāquè.)

Illustration: Liu Rui /Global Times

Illustration: Liu Rui /Global Times