Published: Oct 11, 2022 08:00 PM



  1 Apple product that may be green

  5 Like some pears or elephants

 10 Greek sandwich

 14 Self-referential

 15 Washing machine cycle

 16 Chess piece that goes straight

 17 *Disappear from public view

 20 Gem holder

 21 Pomeranian or pug

 22 He ran with Biden

 23 Mention in a footnote

 25 Tidal retreat

 26 *Consider every possibility

 32 Sunglasses, informally

 34 One of three on some stools

 35 Animal that might have a beard and horns

 36 Clothing line?

 37 Homework helper

 39 What a donated item still has

 40 Neighborhood

 42 Texter's qualifier

 43 Rapper whose name sounds like a piece of candy

 46 *"Be right with you!"

 49 Cocoa holder

 50 Timely help

 51 One strives to be unflappable

 54 ___ Beta Kappa

 56 "Dig in!"

 60 Practice exercise for a seismic event, and a hint to the starts of the starred clues' answers

 63 Antioxidant berry

 64 Mucked up

 65 First Bond movie

 66 Shed, as feathers

 67 Prom queen's attire

 68 Spot on a bus


  1 Website with thousands of casts

  2 "A ___ technicality!"

  3 The whole kit and caboodle

  4 Massachusetts vacation spot

  5 21-Across greeting

  6 Device for flour

  7 A fan of

  8 Like a barbecue pit, after a barbecue

  9 Formerly known as

 10 Party container with a mix of small items

 11 Wise one in "Star Wars"

 12 Wander

 13 Gumbo vegetable

 18 Extra-virgin ___ oil

 19 Eldest Stark son on "Game of Thrones"

 24 It comes before "1-2-3"

 25 Greek painter from the Spanish Renaissance

 26 Desert transport

 27 Adele and Cher, vocally

 28 Summer zodiac sign

 29 What you hear

 30 Simplicity

 31 Arise (from)

 32 Bygone Iranian leader

 33 Long sandwich

 38 Actress Thurman

 41 "Confess!"

 44 Made noise on a dairy farm

 45 Guts

 47 "That hurts!"

 48 Motor cycles?

 51 Clothing line?

 52 Tostada alternative

 53 Like spoken exams

 54 Contented cat's communication

 55 Long-eared hopper

 57 Lose energy

 58 Arm bone

 59 Secret scheme

 61 Letters at a proof's end

 62 Newspaper staffers, for short

