Learning Chinese
Learning Chinese
Published: Oct 30, 2022 07:11 PM
Chat attack

food heaven / 美食天堂 / (měishí tiāntánɡ)

A: Have you eaten? Why don't we go to the cafeteria to eat together?


(nǐ chīfàn lema? yàobù wǒmén yīqǐ qù shítánɡ chīdiǎn bā?)  

B: No, I just bought a bunch of food. 


(wǒ bùqù le, wǒ ɡānɡ mǎile hǎoduō chīde.)   

A: Let me see. You've bought rice balls, cake, milk tea and also an assortment of fruit. Where did you get all these different kinds of food?  


(rànɡ wǒ kànkàn, nǐ mǎile fàntuán, dànɡāo, nǎichá, háiyǒu shuǐɡuǒ pīnpán.zhèmeduō zhǒnɡ de shíwù, nǐdōu shì qùnǎlǐ mǎide ne?)  

B: I just went to the commercial plaza in the University Town. Do you know there is a true "food heaven." There are a bunch of restaurants for students to choose from.  

我刚去了大学城的商城。你知道吗?大学城可是名副其实的 "美食天堂"呢。那里有不同的餐馆供周边的学生选择。

(wǒ ɡānɡ qùle dàxuéchénɡ de shānɡchénɡ.nǐ zhīdào ma?dàxuéchénɡ kěshì mínɡfùqíshí de "měishí tiāntánɡ"ne.nàlǐ yǒu bùtónɡ de cānɡuǎn ɡònɡ zhōubiān de xuéshēnɡ xuǎnzé.) 

A: You're right. I've recently seen that this so-called food heaven has become a trending topic online. This has led to a lot of netizens heading to the University Town to try the restaurants.


(méicuò, zuìjìn wǒ kàn zhè suǒwèi de měishí tiāntánɡ hái shànɡle wǎnɡluò rèsōu, yǐnfā hǎoduō wǎnɡyǒu qù běndì de dàxuéchénɡ tàndiàn.)
Illustrations:Chen Xia/GT

Illustrations:Chen Xia/GT


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