China urges US to end economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba
China urges US to end economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba
Published: Nov 03, 2022 10:37 PM
Zhao Lijian Photo: VCG

Zhao Lijian Photo: VCG

China has urged the US to immediately and fully end its economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed on Cuba and has decided to vote again to support the draft resolution submitted by Cuba on this issue, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian when asked to comment on Wednesday's UN General Assembly, in which most countries including China opposed the US' embargo against Cuba.

Zhao said China's deputy permanent representative to the UN Dai Bing comprehensively elaborated on China's position at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, saying that a series of unilateral coercive sanctions that the US has continuously imposed on Cuba must be ended immediately, as they have seriously violated the international consensus on the 2030 Agenda and damaged people's living and development rights.

At the 26th plenary meeting of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the US against Cuba, Dai said that with an overwhelming majority, the UN General Assembly has adopted the resolution to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the US against Cuba 29 consecutive times.

"This represents the international community's call for justice and must be effectively implemented," Dai said. "However, far from ending this embargo, the US has imposed dozens of sanctions on Cuba since the outbreak of COVID-19, which have severely blocked Cuban people's access to medicines, vaccines and supplies needed to fight against the epidemic and hit their efforts to achieve sustainable development goals such as the eradication of poverty."

Zhao urged the US to develop normal interstate relations with the member states of the United Nations in accordance with the UN Charter and the basic norms of international relations, which suit the common interests of people in the US and Cuba and is conducive to regional peace and stability.

Global Times

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