Learning Chinese
Learning Chinese
Published: Nov 17, 2022 11:09 PM
Illustration: Hang Dachuan/Global Times

Illustration: Hang Dachuan/Global Times

Movie lines

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie /《忍者神龟:崛起》(rěnzhě shénɡuī:juéqǐ)

1. According to my calculations, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything!


(ɡēnjù wǒde jìsuàn, zhǐyào xiānɡxìn zìjǐ, nǐjiù shénme dōukěyǐ zuòdào!)

2. I learned from the best. Come on, we're almost there.


(wǒ shīcónɡyú zuìlìhài de lǎoshī. jiāyóu, wǒmén jiùkuài chénɡɡōnɡ le.)

3. I know, but this is our last chance. It's our only chance.


(wǒ zhīdào, dàn zhèshì wǒmén zuìhòu de jīhuì le, wǒmén wéiyī de jīhuì.)

4. Thanks, little brother, but no one believes in himself more than me.


(xièxiè, xiǎoxiōnɡdì, dànshì méiyǒurén bǐwǒ ɡènɡ xiānɡxìn zìjǐ le.)

5. The legend says they came from the stars. Ruthless, unmerciful with one desire, to enslave the world like so many before us. 


(chuánshuō tāmén láizì wàixīnɡqiú, lěnɡkù wúqínɡ, yīxīn xiǎnɡyào xiànɡ wǒmén zhīqián de xǔduō rén yīyànɡ núyì shìjiè.)

6. That alien jerkface thinks we're weak because he hasn't seen what we can do when we fight together!


(nàɡè wàixīnɡ húndàn rènwéi wǒmén hěnruò, yīnwèi tā méiyǒu kàndào wǒmén zàiyīqǐ zhàndòushí nénɡ zuòdào shénme.)
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