Learning Chinese
Learning Chinese
Published: Nov 21, 2022 07:31 PM
Chat attack

an unexpected result of a soccer game / 足球冷门 / (zúqiú lěnɡmén)

A: What are you watching that has you so entranced? You've been staring at your cell phone for a while now.


(nǐ zài kànshenme rúcǐ rùmí? dīnɡzhe shǒujī hǎo yīzhèn le.)  

B: I watched a soccer game that has such an unexpected result. I couldn't believe my eyes.


(wǒ ɡānɡ kànde yīchǎnɡ zúqiú sài bàole dà lěnɡmén, wǒ jiǎnzhí bùɡǎn xiānɡxìn wǒde yǎnjīnɡ.)   

A: What happened? Tell me about it. 


(zěnmele? shuōlái tīnɡtīnɡ.)  

B: A famous Chinese Super League soccer team in Beijing lost 5-7 to a small part-time soccer team in a county in Gansu Province.


(běijīnɡ yīzhī zhīmínɡ de zhōnɡchāo zúqiúduì jūrán wubǐqishūɡěi le yīzhī ɡānsù shěnɡ xiànchénɡ de yèyú zúqiúduì.) 

A: This is a very surprising result. I'll definitely cheer for this Gansu soccer team.


(zhèɡè jiéɡuǒ quèshí lìnɡrén zhènjīnɡ, dàn wǒ juéduì huì wéi zhèzhī  ɡānsù de zúqiúduì hecǎi.)

B: Do you want to know what netizens think?


(nǐxiǎnɡ zhīdào wǎnɡyǒumén zěnme shuō ma?)

A: Go ahead tell me. I bet netizens were very surprised. 


(nǐ ɡàosù wǒbā. wǒ juédé kěndìnɡ huìyǒu qiúmí ɡǎndào hěn chījīnɡ.)

B: Yup, Some think that this famous team lost because they underestimated their enemy, some of their fans even said it was natural that they lose.


(shìde, háiyǒu yīxiē wǎnɡyǒu juédé zhèzhī hèhè yǒumínɡ de qiúduì shūzài tāmén tài qīnɡdí le, shènzhì yǒuyīxiē qiúduì de fěnsī yě shuō shūde lǐsuǒ yīnɡdānɡ.)

Illustrations:Xia Qing/GT

Illustrations:Xia Qing/GT


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